Which promotional products for banks ?

Today I met with the account manager of our company’s Bank in France. He proudly brought us some of the traditional, usefull card board calenders, 6 months on one side, 6 months on the otherside. Earlier today one of the forwarders already brought two similar calendars.

The forwarders calender was printed with the map of Europe, listing all the region and country codes. I think it was a good idea for an international forwarder linking his brand with this information.
The Bank’s calender was without any fantasy, only dark colours and no other usefull info.
I asked the acount manager:”Why is your Bank offering calenders? How does it help you to do your job?”
He was amused and confused, but was not able to give an answer to my question.

What does this mean ? This national bank is spending thousands of euros for these calenders, but their accountmanagers have no clue why they give away these calenders, no clue how these calenders can help them in their daily job.

Does it mean that these calenders are only given away for plain brand promotion ?
Does this really work ? Wouldn’t it be possible for this bank to add some information or fantasy ?

What’s your opinion ? any intersting expérience to share on this subject ?