Pass it on!

Greentomatocars is a taxi service which uses the greenest car around – the Toyota Prius. Moreover they plant thousands of trees a year to make up for unavoidable emissions whilst getting people from A to B. To generate customers they need to advertise locally, for taxi firms this usually means doing a door drop. But how do you do a door drop without wasting paper? Which, in this case, is a contradiction to the whole idea of the Green Taxi service?

Produce one single door drop that can be passed around the neighborhood. Each street gets just one door drop each. The first recipient ticks off his address once he has noted the taxi number and then passes it on to the next neighbor. And so on, until the whole street has seen this one door drop.

HARRISON TROUGHTON WUNDERMAN targeted households within a two mile radius of the West London office of Greentomatocars. Month to month, bookings increased by 11%. The rise can only be attributed to the door drop. The client is now extending the door drop activity to South West London (and then to North West London).

Would be nice to use this idea for promotional products as well!

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